Monday, January 30, 2012

[B660.Ebook] Free PDF After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow

Free PDF After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow

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After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow

After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow

After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow

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After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow

The evolution of American spirituality over the past fifty years is the subject of Robert Wuthnow's engrossing new book. Wuthnow uses in-depth interviews and a broad range of resource materials to show how Americans, from teenagers to senior citizens, define their spiritual journeys. His findings are a telling reflection of the changes in beliefs and lifestyles that have occurred throughout the United States in recent decades.

Wuthnow reconstructs the social and cultural reasons for an emphasis on a spirituality of dwelling (houses of worship, denominations, neighborhoods) during the 1950s. Then in the 1960s a spirituality of seeking began to emerge, leading individuals to go beyond established religious institutions. In subsequent chapters Wuthnow examines attempts to reassert spiritual discipline, encounters with the sacred (such as angels and near-death experiences), and the development of the "inner self." His final chapter discusses a spirituality of practice, an alternative for people who are uncomfortable within a single religious community and who want more than a spirituality of endless seeking.

The diversity of contemporary American spirituality comes through in the voices of the interviewees. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and Native Americans are included, as are followers of occult practices, New Age religions, and other eclectic groups. Wuthnow also notes how politicized spirituality, evangelical movements, and resources such as Twelve-Step programs and mental health therapy influence definitions of religious life today.

Wuthnow's landmark book, The Restructuring of American Religion (1988), documented the changes in institutional religion in the United States; now After Heaven explains the changes in personal spirituality that have come to shape our religious life. Moreover, it is a compelling and insightful guide to understanding American culture at century's end.

  • Sales Rank: #1202771 in Books
  • Published on: 1998
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .80" w x 6.00" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 286 pages Review
In The Restructuring of American Religion, Robert Wuthnow examined the changing patterns of institutional religion in contemporary America. In After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, he makes a similar analysis of personal spirituality. His basic argument is that professional and social mobility makes it hard for Americans to sustain spiritual life because they don't feel rooted in one place; therefore, they embark on spiritual searches "characterized more often by dabbling than by depth." In contrast to these "dwelling-oriented" and "seeking-oriented" spiritualities, Wuthnow observes that increasing numbers of religious people are turning to "practice-oriented" spirituality--"making a deliberate attempt to relate to the sacred" through disciplines such as reading, prayer, and service. Wuthnow is passionately interested in the question of how an individual's search for spiritual identity affects our society, so he explains that although practice-oriented spirituality may initially seem to weaken the authority of religious institutions, spiritual practices "ultimately sustain these institutions by giving individuals the moral fortitude to participate in them without expecting too much from them." Wuthnow's prose is clean and clear, and his argumentation is thoroughly humane: every idea is conveyed through stories taken from interviews with hundreds of people of varying ages, races, religions, and classes. After Heaven stands with Wuthnow's previous work, and Robert Bellah's Habits of the Heart as a landmark in the sociology of religion. --Michael Joseph Gross

From Library Journal
Analyzing the development of spirituality in the last half-century, Wuthnow (God and Mammon in America, LJ 9/1/94) uses in-depth interviews and opinion surveys?and a firm grasp of existing scholarly material on the subject?to effectively draw connections between individual experiences and wider cultural developments. Showing how the meaning of spirituality has grown and changed over the past 50 years, Wuthnow contrasts the more stable but comforting "dwelling-oriented" spirituality with the more dynamic but less secure "seeker-oriented" spirituality. After tracing the relationship between these two approaches from the early 1950s to the late 1990s, he then suggests what he calls "practice-oriented" spirituality as a way to give both "roots and wings" to spirituality in the future. Anyone interested in the field will definitely want to read this work, a scholarly and readable examination with some creative insights. Recommended for academic and public libraries.?C. Robert Nixon, M.L.S., Lafayette, IN
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Basing his argument on detailed interviews of a wide range of respondents, on existing research studies, and on large-scale opinion surveys, Wuthnow describes a shift in the spiritual orientation of Americans. A spirituality of "dwelling" was characteristic of mainline denominations up through the 1950s; animated by a desire to be in place, it emphasized habitation, which was expressed as belief in God's occupation of definite places (hence the emphasis on places of worship) as well as through the American drive to settle. In the aftermath of the unsettling 1960s, the spirituality of dwelling gave way to one of "seeking," which was marked by negotiation. In the closing chapter, Wuthnow draws on philosopher Alisdair MacIntyre's account of spiritual practice to propose a spirituality cognizant of the Benedictine vows of stability, conversion, and obedience, and on David Steindl-Rast, who de-emphasizes practices (i.e., means) in favor of practice (i.e., the end). This is a readable and provocative report whose references will offer further direction to those who want to pursue its themes. Steven Schroeder

Most helpful customer reviews

22 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
american pastiche religion - trenchant, hopeful analysis
Robert Wuthnow is the most prolific and most interesting contemporary sociologist of religion, delving again into the ambiguous heart of American spirituality. This study is certainly the most accessible, popular analysis of religious trends since the 1950s, with a startlingly convincing interpretation of how attitudes about religion and spirituality have changed in the post-modern era. Read this and await his next study. Wuthnow's done a great service to our understanding of what sometimes seems to be a most perplexing trend from domestic religion to a kind of amorphous, inauthentic spirituality of seeking.

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
An Adequate and Useful Source for Studying Christian Spirituality
By Candi Dugas LLC
To understand Christian spirituality in the latter half of the twentieth century, Robert Wuthnow summarized his research primarily by describing those who relate spirituality to dwellings, describing those who are constantly seeking spirituality, and providing his alternative to these two paths. I find his research to be truthful; however, he seems to have a bias against and to be more critical of the notion which he describes as spiritual seeking. Following are my thoughts regarding his descriptions of dwelling versus seeking and his proposed alternative of practice.

To view trends in American spirituality against a backdrop of our social patterns is insightful and one that I find quite helpful as I aspire to understand how and why Americans approach Christian spirituality. A more staid approach to spirituality makes sense in the 1950s as does an exploratory approach in the 1960s.

Wuthnow's work prompts some questions for me as a scholar and as a Christian. I want to hear more about how institutionalized religion has moved most Americans to the perspective that their spirituality must develop outside of these traditional places. Also, by reading the characteristics of seekers, I am coming to identify myself as one and I never would have characterized myself as such. I believed a seeker to be one who is not quite settled on her/his way of faith, belief, and practices. I am firmly a Christian who finds value in tradition, but prefers contemporary expressions of my faith. Yet, Wuthnow's description resonates, ". . ., growing numbers of Americans piece together their faith like a patchwork quilt." Officially I am a United Methodist, yet a huge part of my relationship with God is founded upon my Roman Catholic influences. Additionally, I find worth in non-Christian mystical traditions that I incorporate into my faith practice as long as they do not conflict with my foundational Christian tenets. I do not believe I have to give up any for the others. Besides I find a unique beauty in such a "quilt."

Unsettling is the faint hint of bias I find in Wuthnow's writing of seeking spirituality. His word choices seem to indicate that dwelling spirituality has more credence. To allow one's spiritual experience to be fluid does not mean that these experiences are fleeting or without social support. Wuthnow's inability to recognize wider possibilities indicates a bend toward dwelling spirituality.

While Wuthnow may find dwelling spirituality more acceptable, he recognizes it is a reality that has passed given current social trends in America. Therefore, he presents an alternative to both dwelling and seeking spirituality. However, his alternative is not an alternative at all.

To present practice spirituality as an alternative to dwelling and seeking spirituality, I find problematic. This presentation presumes that seekers do not practice rituals or disciplines. One can practice seeking spirituality. That is, a Christian can believe that spirituality is bigger than the building one inhabits for prescribed times of ritual. This belief alone does not necessarily mean that the person does not practice her/his spirituality.

Wuthnow purports that the element of practice adds a necessary aspect to seeking spirituality, one of stability, continuity. In essence, practice adds to seeking what it lacks in comparison to dwelling. Again, such a view is not necessarily true for seekers. One can seek and still have an "orderly, disciplined, and focused approach to the sacred." Wuthnow's conclusions are tinted - as mine probably are at this moment.

Despite the bias Wuthnow appears to have toward dwelling spirituality and the shallowness of his alternative - practice spirituality - I find his work to be helpful and insightful regarding trends in American spirituality in the latter twentieth century. I also find his work helpful as I begin to write more on spirituality. When presenting research objectively (as much as possible) I need to be conscious of my language and the tone of my writing so that my work is balanced. However, given my passion for the subject, I may choose to openly write as an advocate for non-traditional approaches to Christian spirituality.

Reviewer: Candi Dugas, M.Div., is a D.Min. candidate at Columbia Theological Seminary (Decatur, GA) and the author of Bootlicked to Balanced: Healing the Mind, Freeing the Spirit. Her D.Min. thesis is Who Told You that You Were Naked? Creating Space for Black Women to Reclaim their Goodness as Sexual and Spiritual Beings.

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After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow PDF

After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow PDF
After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow PDF

Sunday, January 29, 2012

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  • Sales Rank: #13541985 in Books
  • Published on: 2011
  • Binding: CD-ROM

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Monday, January 23, 2012

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Lab Manual for General, Organic & Biochemistry, by Charles Henrickson, Larry Byrd, Norman Hunter

The seventh edition, by Charles H. Henrickson, Larry C. Byrd, and Norman W. Hunter of Western Kentucky University, offers clear and concise laboratory experiments to reinforce students’ understanding of concepts. Pre-laboratory exercises, questions, and report sheets are coordinated with each experiment to ensure active student involvement and comprehension. An updated student tutorial on graphing with Excel has been added to this edition.

Laboratory Instructor’s Manual: Written by Charles H. Henrickson, Larry C. Byrd, and Norman W. Hunter of Western Kentucky University, this helpful guide contains hints that the authors have learned over the years to ensure students’ success in the laboratory. This Resource Guide is available through the Connect Chemistry website for this text.

  • Sales Rank: #61349 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-01-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x .80" w x 8.80" l, 1.95 pounds
  • Binding: Spiral-bound
  • 448 pages

About the Author
Dr. Byrd teaches at Western Kentucky University. He is the author of several chemistry lab manuals published by Kendall-Hunt. He is well known in chemistry education circles.

Dr. Hunter teaches at Western Kentucky University. He is the author of several chemistry lab manuals published by Kendall-Hunt. He is also well known in chemistry education circles.

Dr. Henrickson teaches at Western Kentucky University. He is an author of several chemistry lab manuals published by Kendall-Hunt. Well-known in chemistry education circles.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Seller did not express labs missing!
By Victoria M Buckle
Extremely disappointed in this order. The seller said this was a used book but never mentioned labs missing! 90% of the labs I needed for my chemistry class were not in this book and luckily I made a friend in class that was nice enough to scan the labs I needed. Very upsetting! Wish I could get my money back!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Why Buy it at the School?
By newman44
I paid $15 less for this than if i had bought it at the school. It was brand spankin new and arrived in about 36 hours, YES!!!!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great compliment to the textbook
By Poppie
Excellent compliment to the text book. For the end of chapter problems, this guide explains how to arrive at the answer. This was very helpful since my chemistry professor didn't like to explain anything. The guide breaks down concepts in the book that I found very confusing. The textbook is very wordy. The study guide does a good job summarizing and explaining topics in easy to understand language.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

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Master expositor Paul Halmos presents Linear Algebra in the pure axiomatic spirit. He writes "My purpose in this book is to treat linear transformations on finite dimensional vector spaces by the methods of more general theories. The idea is to emphasize the simple geometric notions common to many parts of mathematics and its applications, and to do so in a language that gives away the trade secrets ...". This text is an ideal supplement to modern treatments of Linear Algebra. "The theory is systematically developed by the axiomatic method that has, since von Neumann, dominated the general approach to linear functional analysis and that achieves here a high degree of lucidity and clarity....The book contains about 350 well placed and instructive problems, which cover a considerable part of the subject. All in all this is an excellent work, of equally high value for both student and teacher." --Zentralblatt f�r Mathematik.

  • Sales Rank: #125100 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-12-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .48" w x 5.98" l, .69 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 208 pages

“The theory is systematically developed by the axiomatic method that has, since von Neumann, dominated the general approach to linear functional analysis and that achieves here a high degree of lucidity and clarity. The presentation is never awkward or dry, as it sometimes is in other “modern” textbooks; it is as unconventional as one has come to expect from the author. The book contains about 350 well placed and instructive problems, which cover a considerable part of the subject. All in all this is an excellent work, of equally high value for both student and teacher.” Zentralblatt f�r Mathematik

Most helpful customer reviews

73 of 74 people found the following review helpful.
Linear algebra for mathematicians
By John S. Ryan
I've just been looking on Amazon to see how some of my favorite old math texts are doing. I used this one about twenty years ago as a supplementary reference in a graduate course, and I still have my copy.
Everybody with some mathematical background knows the name of Paul Richard Halmos. I saw him speak at Kent State University while I was an undergraduate there (some twenty-odd years ago); to this day I remember the sheer elegance of his presentation and even recall some of the specific points on which, like a magician, he drew gasps and applause from his audience of mathematicians and math students.
This book displays the same elegance. If you're looking for a book that provides an exposition of linear algebra the way mathematicians think of it, this is it.
This very fact will probably be a stumbling block for some readers. The difficulty is that, in order to appreciate what Halmos is up to here, you have to have _enough_ practice in mathematical thinking to grasp that linear algebra isn't the same thing as matrix algebra.
In your introductory linear algebra course, linear transformations were probably simply identified with matrices. But really (i.e., mathematically), a linear transformation is a special sort of mathematical object, one that can be _represented_ by a matrix (actually by a lot of different matrices) once a coordinate system has been introduced, but one that 'lives' in the spaces with which abstract algebra deals, independently of any choice of coordinates.
In short, don't expect numbers and calculations here. This book is about abstract algebraic structure, not about matrix computations.
If that's not what you're looking for, you'll probably be disappointed in this book. If that _is_ what you want, you may still find this book hard going, but the rewards will be worth the effort.

40 of 42 people found the following review helpful.
The great classic of linear algebra
By henrique fleming
This book has been around for so many years that reviewing it may seem a waste of time. Still, we should not forget that new students keep appearing! Halmos is a wonderful text. Besides the clarity which marks all of his books, this one has a pleasant characteristic: all concepts are patiently motivated (in words!) before becoming part of the formalism. It was written at the time when the author, a distinguished mathematician by himself, was under the spell of John von Neumann, at Princeton. Perhaps related to that is the fact that you find surprising, brilliant proofs of even very well established results ( as, for instance, of the Schwartz inequality). It has a clear slant to Hilbert space, despite the title, and the treatment of orthonormal systems and the spectrum theorem is very good. On the other hand, there is little about linear mappings between vector spaces of different dimensions, which are crucial for differential geometry. But this can be found elsewhere. The problems are useful and, in general, not very difficult. All in all, an important tool for a mathematical education.

24 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
A Classic for the mathematically-inclined. Good preparation for learning quantum mechanics.
By H Roller
This was one of the two textbooks (along with Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis) that was used for the hot-shot freshman Math 218x course taught by Elias Stein at Princeton some years ago.

It is a great book, one of my all-time favorites. It requires a bit of mathematical maturity, that is a love of mathematical proof and simplifying abstractions. This book abstractly defines vector spaces and linear transformations between them without immediately introducing coordinates. This approach is vastly superior to immediately extorting the reader to study the algebraic and arithmetic properties n-tuples of numbers (vectors) and matrices (n x n tables of numbers) which parameterize the underlying abstract vectors and linear transformations, respectively.

If I taught a linear algebra course using this book then there are a few deficiencies I would try to correct, however.

1. The polar decomposition is covered but the singular value decomposition (for linear transformations between different inner product spaces) is not mentioned. This is a pretty big gap in terms of applications, although it's trivial to get the singular value decomposition if you have the polar decomposition.

2. The identification of an reflexive vector space with its double-dual was a stumbling block for me when I took the course. There was no mathematical definition of "identify", and so I was confused. Perhaps a good way to remedy this is to give a problem with the example of the Banach space L^p (perhaps just on a finite set of just two elements), and show how L^p is dual to L^p'.

3. The section on tensor products should be improved and expanded, especially in light of the new field of quantum information theory. I remember being quite confused about what a tensor product was until I realized some years later that the tensor product of L^2(R) with itself is L^2(R^2), an example which I think should be mentioned, even if it requires a bit of vagueness about Lebesgue measurability.

4. It would be nice to have a problem (or take-home final) where the reader proves the spectral theorem using minimal polynomials without recourse to determinants, and introduces the functional calculus just using polynomials. It is disturbing to see how many physics grad students are so hung up thinking of eigenvalues only as roots of the characteristic polynomial that they can't understand properties of the spectrum of a self-adjoint transformation A by considering polynomials of A.

The functional calculus could be introduced with the following

Problem: For a function f:R->R and a self-adjoint matrix A (or more generally a possibly nonunitarily diagonalizable matrix A with complex eigenvalues and f:C->C) define f(A)=P(A) where P is a polynomial chosen so that P(lamda) = f(lamda) for all lamda.

A. Show that f(A) is well defined.
B. Show that (f+g) (A) =f(A)+g(A), (fg)(A) = f(A) g(A), and (f composed g) (A) = f(g(A))
C. Show that d/dt exp(tA) = Aexp(tA)
D. Show that it is false that d/dt exp(A+tB) = B exp(A+tB) for matrices A and B.
E. If f is differentiable show that d/dt Tr f(A+tB) = Tr B f'(A+tB)
F. Show that the rotation U(theta) of R^2 by an angle theta is given by Exp(tJ), where J={{0,1},{-1,0}}.

5. I missed the connection between polynomials of a matrix and the Jordan form when I learned linear algebra from this book. Perhaps the following problems would be helpful, and give a proper finite-dimensional introduction to the Dunford calculus (before it is slightly-obfuscated in infinite dimensions using Cauchy's formula):

Problem A: Let P be a complex polynomial, and let A be a linear transformation on a complex vector space, with eigenvalues {z_1,...,z_n}, and let the Jordan block corresponding to z_k have a string of 1's that is at most s_k elements long. Then the value of P(A) is determined by the values of P and its first s_k derivatives at the z_k. (One defines the derivative of a function from C to C by taking a limit of difference quotients, in the same way one defines a derivative of a real function. In particular, the usual rules for differentiating polynomials apply.)

Problem B: (Finite-dimensional Dunford calculus, assuming differentiablity only on the spectrum) Suppose that f:C->C has s_k complex derivatives at the z_k. Define f(A)=P(A), where P is a polynomial with derivatives up to order s_k agreeing with those of f at the z_k. Show that such polynomials always exist. (In particular, f(A) is well-defined by problem A.) Show that (f+g)(A)=f(A)+g(A), f(A)g(A)=(fg)(A), and f(g(A))=h(A), where h is the composition of f and g as functions from C->C.

Problem C: Use B to show that every nonsigular matrix has a square root, as do singular matrices with no 1's in the jordan block for the eigenvalue 0.

Problem D: Are the only matrices with square roots given by problem C?

Except for property (3) above, this is a good book for students who are interested in taking a quantum mechanics or quantum computing course in the future.

6. A bit more connection to calculus should be made, if only in optional exercises. Students should know how to compute d/dt det(A) and d/dt A^(-1), where A=A(t) is a matrix-valued function of time t.

If you read this book and like it, then in the future you might want the following graduate-level textbooks:

Bhatia's book "Matrix Analysis".

Reed and Simon's "Methods of Mathematical Physics", especially volume 1 on functional analysis. (This is the infinite-dimensional version of Halmos's book.)

Halmos's "A Hilbert Space Problem Book"

You'll certainly need to learn some analysis before tackling the last two books, though!

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Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces, by Paul Halmos PDF

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

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  • Published on: 1600
  • Binding: Paperback

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Adosphere: Livre de l'Eleve 4 & CD Audio (French Edition), by Gallon+Macquart-Mart

Adosph�re : c'est mon monde, c'est mon univers, c'est ma sph�re !

Structure :

8 modules pour 8 th�matiques proche des adolescents
Une page d'ouverture active
3 le�ons d'apprentissage en double page (1 le�on = 1 double page)
- la premi�re le�on s'articule autour d'un document d�clencheur oral ou �crit, plus une page " Entraine-toi "
- la deuxi�me le�on s'articule autour d'un extrait litt�raire par un auteur francophone, plus une page la troisi�me le�on est une le�on de prolongement : d�couverte de la culture francophone
1 double page DELF
1 page projet pour la mise en action des comp�tences
en fin d'ouvrage, un module complet sur Mes mati�res en fran�ais
Avec Adosph�re 3 et 4, la collection �volue...

Entr�e th�matique dans les modules: les sph�res d'int�r�t des ados sont explor�es avec l'ouvertureculturelle sur le monde fran�ais et francophone gr�ce � de nombreux documents authentiques
Int�gration d'une dimenssion litt�raire de chaque module qui permet aux apprenants de d�couvrir des auteurs francophones et de d�velopper leurs strat�gies de lectures et d'�critures
Une plus grande place accord�e � la culture qui apparait d�sormais sur une double page
Une rubrique interdisciplinaire qui apparait dans les le�ons avec les activit�s clin d'oeil vers les mati�res scolaires
Descriptif :

Un univers proche des ados : des th�matiques actuelles propos�es par un r�seau de vrais ados qui permet une grande vari�t� de documents
Une d�marche actionnelle : chaque le�on aboutit � une t�che � faire en interaction
Un apprentissage solide de la langue
L'int�gration de l'apprentissage du fran�ais dans le cursus scolaire
Une double offre num�rique : un manuel num�rique interactif pour l'enseignant et un CD-ROM pour l'�l�ve
Composants :

Livre de l'�l�ve + CD audio
Cahier d'activit�s + CD-ROM
CD audio classe (x2)
Guide p�dagogique
Manuel num�rique interactif pour l'enseignant

  • Sales Rank: #1009056 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-06-09
  • Original language: French
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .40" w x 8.10" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 128 pages

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Excellent bibliographical resource.

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

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The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN

A comprehensive guide (full color 8.5 by 11-inch 51-page guide and 31-page black and white workbook) which cover the key skills and behaviors needed for success with lifestyle changes and ultimately weight management!

Includes everything you need for success in a concise, interesting and easy to read format. There are two modules which stand on their own: Healthy Eating and Weight Management. However when the two are implemented in combination you re headed for a home run with your weight and health.

Part of the beauty of these materials is that there s simply no filler to waste your time. Instead you simply focus on the handful of key behaviors that are proven to actually produce results behaviors that most "fad" weight loss books completely ignore! So if you re ready to finally get it done this is the "road map" you have been waiting for!

  • Sales Rank: #1055122 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-07-12
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Single Issue Magazine
  • 82 pages

I love this guide and so do my clients! Dorene does a fantastic job boiling down the research and communicating the bottom line key information needed for success. Plus, this easy to understand guide gives many practical steps on how to incorporate changes. A must for any health professional who wants a tool to effectively communicate the facts about weight management. --June Kuz, MS, RD, ASCM, NSCA
Owner, Chester County Nutrition & Weight Management
Downingtown, PA

We have been using The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide in our Lifestyle/Weight Management courses for fitness majors since 2005 and have been very pleased with it. The guide offers clear and concise information for the fitness professionals to share with clients and provides clients a useful "take home" reference. The workbook activities provide a framework for the development of effective coaching sessions "as is" or as a spring-board to other lesson ideas. --Susan L. Heinrich, MS
Fitness & Sport Sciences Department Chair
Pima Community College
Tucson, AZ

I researched several weight management workbooks before deciding on the Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide in our hospital weight loss classes. It is refreshing to find a guide that is factual, accurate, and emphasizes evidenced-based information. The charts and sidebars make great talking points. I appreciate the step by step options of incorporating new healthy habits in The Bottom Line: What To Do and How To Do It. If you are searching for the real deal and want to get away from the get-thin-quick schemes, this is your resource. --Terri Clark, RD/LD
Clinical/Outpatient Dietitian
Cedar Rapids, IA

When Dorene published the 1st edition of the Weight Management Guide in 1999, it completely took our personal training program to a new level. Over a decade later we've seen thousands of clients achieve success, changing individual's and family's healthy destiny. The information is honest and built on good evidence-based science with no gimmicks or myths, but most of all, powerful. It could truly turn the obesity epidemic around if implemented on a wide scale. -- --Robby Denning, ACE, ACSM
Fitness Director, Apple Athletic Clubs
Idaho Falls, ID

We have been using The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide for over 10-years, helping hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds. I myself lost and have kept off 65 pounds! This unique program is one of the only sources available that puts the whole weight loss puzzle together in easy to understand terms. We teach this program in weekly small groups and larger seminar style formats as well as one-on-one with clients, and have much greater success than any other program we had used before. -- --Heath Wiltse, MS
General Manager, Peak Health & Wellness
Post Falls, Idaho

About the Author
Dorene s passion for nutrition and weight management (including understanding how our bodies work) sprang from her own struggles with weight, in her late teens and early twenties, when at times she weighed over 40 pounds more than she does today.
Through healthy eating and an active lifestyle she has maintained that weight loss for over 25 years. Dorene says that, There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone else become empowered to create their own success with their weight that s what I get excited about!
She knows it s tough though, especially with the enormous amount of misinformation being peddled to people looking for answers.
Fortunately for her readers Dorene likes to get to the bottom of threads of research to see what the data actually shows, and she has a knack for translating research into practical actionable advise. After hundreds of hours on Medline, and digging through the University of Washington Medical library stacks she s made herself an expert on evidence-based weight management research with a personal library of over 1,000 published research articles. She has particular expertise with 1) the metabolic literature related to the effects of dieting and exercise on basal metabolic rate and body composition; 2) appetite regulation; 3) exercise for weight loss and maintenance; 4) the effects of protein, carbohydrate and fat on energy balance; 5) weight loss misinformation and myths; etc., etc.!
Dorene has been a Registered Dietitian since 1993, and her focus has always been weight management. In addition to authoring The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide, some of her accomplishments since then include:
Managed one of the largest outpatient weight management programs in the Seattle area, personally working with hundreds of clients over a wide range of BMIs.
Providing training to nearly 2000 professionals who attended her accredited continuing education workshop (Advanced training in Weight Management, for health professionals working with weight loss) which was offered in 25 cities nationwide in 2003 and 2004.
Prior to taking her own training on the road in 2003:
Dorene had been a regularly featured presenter at fitness industry conventions in the US and Canada since 1997.
Taught weight management to nutrition and naturopathic medical students as part of her graduate coursework at Bastyr University.
Taught a weight management course at Lake Washington Technical College for students in the Fitness Specialist program.
Maintained a certification as a personal trainer for 15 years. She grew up in an athletic nature-loving family and remembers her father weight training three nights a week from the time that she was just four years old. Her father will be 76-years-old in August and is still going strong!
For the past ten years Dorene s fitness routine has consisted of yoga (three days a week) and aerobics or walking (a couple days a week). Recently, she s starting to get back into weight training, which had been a regular of her routine since her late twenties until she switched to yoga to rehab a chronic shoulder injury.
Dorene can be reached by e-mail at:

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A Powerful Tool for Long Term Weight Loss
By Rita Black Shift Weight Mastery
I highly recommend Dorene Robinson's updated The New Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide and companion Workbook. We live in confusing world full of hyped up diets books and "health regimes" which offer big weight loss promises but little help in the area of real behavioral change that provides lasting results. As a cognitive weight loss expert I see new clients every day who have been dieting their whole lives who have no idea of the basic fundamentals of weight loss. These clients are intelligent, educated people who have lost their way in the foggy haze of fad diets and have succumbed to feeling the helplessness that comes when you give your power away to diet gurus but never really learn to shift yourself from within and become your own best weight loss coach.

Real weight mastery occurs when one makes the decision to truly change--this starts with one's mindset, understanding the true basics of how weight loss occurs, problem solving and preparing and keeping one's environment set up for success. In The New Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide and companion Workbook Dorene Robinson artfully weaves a deep body of research of these important weight loss fundamentals in with her charming, clear and no nonsense writing style to forge an easy but highly enlightening pathway for the reader to gain understanding. The accompanying workbook gives the reader a clear and concise action plan to finally move forward to long term weight loss feeling in control of their own destiny.

I became a fan of Dorene's no-nonsense, researched-based approach to weight management in 2003 when I attended a seminar she gave to professional weight management service providers and personal trainers in Los Angeles. As both a trainer and as a writer Doreen has the gift of laying out the fundamentals and facts of weight management in a clear and informative way. At that time I bought her original The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide and companion Workbook and have used it over the years as a reference guide and have referred clients to it as an effective starting point to their weight loss journey.

In her latest version of The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide and companion Workbook Dorene has added much more information especially in the area of cognitive weight management--which of course being a cognitive weight loss expert and clinical hypnotherapist-- I was thrilled about. Doreen really addresses the need to change negative self talk as well as how to maneuver out of the "Wrong Thinking Track" habit into the "Right Thinking Track" habit. She also dives into the fundamentals of healthful eating, and leaves no stone unturned in enlightening the reader in the true physics of weight loss. This book is also beautiful, lots of pictures and color and is laid out in an easy to read and comprehend format that makes it easy to pick up and quickly find what you are looking for. The Workbook as well has many charts and exercises that are well laid out and easy to photocopy for use again and again.

I would highly recommend this book to any weight management professional and personal trainers to be on the top shelf of their resource library. I also think The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide and companion Workbook is the perfect beginning for anyone who is ready to really embark on a successful and lasting weight loss journey.

Rita Black C.Ht., [...]

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The last weight loss guide you'll ever need!
By Neva Cochran
Registered dietitian, Dorene Robinson, combines her personal experience losing and keeping off over 40 pounds for nearly 20 years with proven weight loss research to create a practical guide for people tired of the frustrating lose and regain cycle. The New Healthy Eating and Weight Management Guide is short on gimmicks and long on science-based information and practical tactics to take and keep weight off. Starting with guidelines for healthful eating, she sets the stage for lifelong habits that will not only promote weight loss but also improve health and lower risk of chronic disease. Using the National Weight Control Registry's "Masters of Weight Control" strategies that have helped over 10,000 people lose and keep off at least 20 pounds, she outlines 5 master skills and a choice of three distinct approaches for eating to successfully lose weight. It's not a cookie-cutter approach but rather helps each person find the method that works best for his or her lifestyle. The colorful tables, photos, checklists and graphics throughout the book make it easy to understand and apply the information. The accompanying workbook provides an array of tools to help plan and track your daily intake. As a registered dietitian I would highly recommend it.

Neva Cochran, MS, RD, LD
Nutrition Communications Consultant

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Straight forward and practical
By Jill W
This book is organized to make your weight loss efforts as simple as possible. Each chapter gives you clear guidance in making healthful choices, developing a productive attitude, being physically active and more. First learn why good nutrition matters, then learn how to use that knowledge to drop pounds. I especially like the workbook that comes in this 2-book set. It gives you the tools you need to plan your strategies, track your progress, record your food intake, estimate your calorie burn and other great tools. Most importantly, it's realistic and it will help you meet your goals!

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The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN PDF
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The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN iBooks
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The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN Kindle

The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN PDF

The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN PDF

The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN PDF
The NEW Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and Workbook), by Dorene D Robinson RD CDN PDF

Friday, January 6, 2012

[X251.Ebook] PDF Ebook Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

PDF Ebook Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

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Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

PDF Ebook Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

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Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil

Chase Winters was the bane of my existence.

But he was also the lifeline of my heart and soul. Literally.

Things are steaming up between us, and between the sheets. When his lips weren’t locked with mine, they were spewing verbal crap. Half the time I don’t know whether to kiss him or slap him. Our bond was more than just being connected, we are soulbound. The closer we get, the stronger the bond takes hold and now-a-days it seemed we are inseparable.

There was a new addition to our little town, one that has all the Divisa’s on guard – a hunter has taken up residency. This hunter was not just another threat, not when their identity hit a little close to home. Strife divides my neighbor’s household surrounding this supposed enemy. Could they be friend or foe?

Chase’s number one priority in all this as always, was to keep me safe.

Regardless of what Chase says, I am not the weak and fragile human they all think I am. And there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep Chase from harm. He might drive me up a freaking wall, but he was my pain in the ass. I wasn’t about to sit back and let some hunter fire an arrow through his heart. Not if I could help it.

Then there was the one question that was on everyone’s mind: Will the hunter kill us or save us…

**Recommended for 16+ due to language and sexual content**

  • Sales Rank: #24213 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-01-14
  • Released on: 2014-01-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"AMAZING!!!! This book was the total package; good characters, interesting story line, scenes that make you swoon and a bad boy that's to die for. - Cassie

"Excellent writing. I was totally captivated. I love this writer and her stories. I literally haven't slept since I started reading them." - �Jenna

From the Author
Thank you all for the support and patience as I figure this crazy process out. I love all the feedback!!! You can interact with me�at: guys rock my socks.J.L. Weil

About the Author
J.L. Weil is the Bestselling Author of Teen Paranormal Romances, including The Divisa Series and Luminescence Trilogy.�You don't want to miss out on any of the amazing books by this author.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Amazon Customer
this made me smile , cry, and love and made me feel mad . a mixture of emotions, an undying love, the beauty of friendship and unimaginable sacrifices , this book kills. once you get it you just cant put it down , it is one of the most amazing books to be read and it would even make a great movie. most times i was just screaming of happiness and i was clutching the kindle as if i couldnt believe what was happening. i am not forcing people to do anything but i am just saying that this book was awesome and very beautiful. i would consider you reading the 1 sg bpok first so you will get an overview on the characters and a brief talk abput emma. i fpund it amazing and beautiful of how the author could build up so mich emotions in each of the characters it is just practically amazing.
p.s. if you think its bad you must be out of your mind

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Hot and spicey
By Sarah
A wonderful book that you can sink your teeth into. It is worth the few bucks on kindle. It is even better than saving Angel!!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
loved it
By Amazon Customer
If you liked The Lux series youll love theses books!!! I highly recommend them. So check this series out and you decide : )

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Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil PDF

Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil PDF

Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil PDF
Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel), by J.L. Weil PDF