Ebook Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon, Mary Enig
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Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon, Mary Enig

Ebook Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon, Mary Enig
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Great condition- may have a little denting around the sides from shipping from the publisher. Only the nicest we receive are sold as NEW, for a cheaper price, find our like new item with a little more noticeable denting.
- Sales Rank: #1177576 in Books
- Published on: 2005
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- Hardcover
- Wider margins for notes
- Lies flat
- Includes CD-Rom of pdf file of whole book
Most helpful customer reviews
162 of 173 people found the following review helpful.
A God-sent
By K. Hilliard
I found this book through the book "The Maker's Diet" which was given to me when I was 18 and sat on a shelf to be picked up 2 years later after the birth of my first child. I was struggling to breastfeed after having a major loss of blood (OBGYN's mistake led to this and a major birth trauma). I had virtually no milk supply. Tried everything! Persevered for 6 horrible long exhausting weeks before I finally gave up. I did not even become engorged upon stopping, that's how low my supply was. Looking back now i was very malnourished from a terrible diet of fast food and soda during pregnancy, plus the major loss of blood after birth- there's no way my body could produce anything. My teeth were crumbling, horrible cavities everywhere. I was very much against infant formula but I had no other choice, so i started my son of Enfamil. He was colicky, constipated, constant projectile spit up, not sleeping well, and I was DEPRESSED. I was even having to use infant suppositories for him. This is NOT NORMAL!! No matter how common it is, it's not normal...
I began reading a lot to try and help keep my mind off of the deep depression I was experiencing (Lack of sleep, stress of being a young new wife and mother, no family in the area, plus my very unhealthy and hormone depleted body). Then, one day I came across the book that I had placed on a shelf two years prior (The Maker's Diet- a great book). When I started reading through some of the recipes, I noticed many of them were referencing this book called "Nourishing Traditions". I went to Barnes and Noble and bought this book the same week. Instantly saw how informative it was and how packed with recipes! I love it!! It opened my life to a completely new way of thinking/eating/ living. One of the first recipes i came across was the infant formula recipe. I thanked God because I knew he led me there, as I had PRAYED and cried out to God to help me find some way to feed my baby, and in the midst of feeling like such a massive failure for not being able to nurse my son, I realized that God had used my dad to give me The Maker's Diet, which I would pick up two years later out of desperation, which would in turn lead me to Nourishing Traditions... Long story short, I used the website provided in the book to scout out a source of raw milk locally, and within that week I found a raw milk cow share and signed up, and ordered all of the ingredients that I needed and started making my son's formula. From the first feeding, he was a much happier baby! He stopped fussing so much, he started SLEEPING through the night, AND he was NEVER AGAIN constipated! His bowel movements turned to mustard yellow, seedy, soft just as they were when I was nursing him.
Fast forward to two years later and having completely embraced the Nourishing Traditions lifestyle, my husband and I decided to try for a second child. This pregnancy went much differently. I took care of myself, the nourishing traditions way. I drank superfood green smoothies every single day with home made raw milk kefir, ate healthy (not 100%, but I tried to give my body everything it needed!), plenty of butter and coconut oil and eggs, took whole food supplements and herbs instead of synthetic pharmaceutical prenatals, and never once saw a doctor- only my midwives who I had a home birth with. Gave birth to my 9lb 4oz 23" long baby girl, ELEVEN days late (hey, she knew when she was ready!), at home with no medication, in an inflatable birthing pool. It was awesome. My milk came in within 2 days (holy heck did it come in!!), she never lost weight, she slept much better, was very alert and nursed very well, had no digestion issues and has always been SO HEALTHY! My son is very healthy too (thanks to being able to start making his formula at 6/7 weeks of age), but he did catch and still does tend to catch more illnesses than she ever has. I really do attribute this to the type of diet i ate while pregnant with her, versus the SAD (standard american diet) i ate while pregnant with him, as well as the first 6 weeks of powdered formula and the drug exposure he had during birth in the hospital....
ONE THING I have noticed that is astounding to me is the difference in their facial structures and teeth/jaw formation. After reading Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", as well as Francis Pottenger's "Pottenger's Cats", it makes sense to me why this is so. My little girl has such a beautiful and wide jaw, with perfectly straight and spaced teeth which i know will allow for her permanents to grow in without crowding, while my son has very crowded teeth and a more narrow jaw and has already had cavities while my daughter has had ZERO. (SEE PICS!)
It really does make a difference what you eat before conception, during pregnancy, and what you feed your child.. (Btw, I supplemented with WAP homemade formula and eventually switched her to it completely when I decided to quit nursing- don't judge me)
I'm not saying everything in this book is completely 100% for everyone, but it worked for me and my babies. All of the information also led me into a completely different life as far as nutrition and eating. I try to stay away from grains completely these days as I have some long standing digestive issues, but if I do have them I believe they are best soaked or sprouted like this book says. Also, try sprouted nuts- SO DELICIOUS and so much better for you than roasted or even raw. Lots of good recipes in the book, and you'll get a ton of practice in the cooking and preparing of different foos. If nothing else, get it for the baby formula recipe and information pertaining to childhood nutrition. My favorite and most used part of the recipes in this book are the fermented foods and dairy.
40 of 42 people found the following review helpful.
The book that changed my life, how I think about food and particularly fats.
By Gokhals
Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions changed my life. Over a decade ago, and in the midst of many life stresses, I got a flu shot at work one year, and suddenly developed all sorts of allergies. I started to develop serious health problems – Asthma, Digestive issues, Raynaud’s, Sjogrens. Worried, I went for the first time in years to my Kaiser doctor, who admonished me about my cholesterol levels (228), and recommended statins. Fearing drugs more than high cholesterol, I told him I’d use natural means to reduce my serum cholesterol. And I did. By ingesting large gobs of oatmeal and by shunning saturated fats, I got my cholesterol down to 180 within the year. I was very proud. But I did not get well. I got sicker. I got every office flu, cough, cold out there. After a final bout of flu on top of flu, and probably driven by some shred of self-preservation, I googled ‘cholesterol good’. That is when I stumbled into the WAPF’s realmilk.com site, sampled some raw milk…and never looked back. I read about the cholesterol skeptics. I read about the incredible conflict of interest between Pharma and human health, and I read about the statin scam (that I nearly fell for). I was hurtling down the modern health highway of food shortcuts, to surefire disaster, and it was pure accident (and the good luck of bad health), that I came upon Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. Not everybody is so lucky. Many people get sick on nutrient deficient diets, then try to cure this with drugs, which have more side effects, which cause more knock on diseases, a vicious cycle that frequently damages them beyond repair. Dr. Mary Enig, Sally’s co-author, was a brilliant lipid biochemist who jeopardized her career to get the message of transfatty acids vs. wholesome saturated fats out to the public. ‘Nourishing Traditions’ and ‘Know Your Fats’ are my go-to food and fat-science bibles. These amazing women resisted bullying and bludgeoning by industry to impart their knowledge and wisdom of traditional food-ways to common people like me.
I grasped the notion of ‘body as terrain’ and ‘food as medicine’. I now eat delicious, pastured, fragrant, nutrient dense, food that is rich in butter, cream and coconut oil. I eat ferments, kefirs, kvasses, yogurts, organ meats, broths, stocks and vegetables of course (without pesticides). I prepare my breads the traditional way and the taste and aroma are incomparable. And my belly likes it too. My kitchen is fragrant once again with the Ghee that my mother and my grandmother before her made. Our insurance premiums are completely wasted because we have not been sick in the last eight years. Nary a cough, cold or flu. This way of living and eating has opened up my life in delightful ways to farmers markets, farmers and the wonderful kinship of likeminded people.
If you have children, feeding them NT food will make them stronger, smarter and healthier. If you are sick, you will get well on this food. The body WANTS to heal, and is set up to heal, if properly nourished. Many people with chronic degenerative disease I know, got not just better, but were cured. My recommendation is, ignore all other isms, fads and trends. Don’t just borrow the book from your library. Buy it. Take a week off from work to read it, imbibe the wisdom, and pass it forward. Sally and Mary probably saved my life. I am forever indebted to them.
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Good reference book.
By Susan Siemers
This is a great book. It is more of a reference book than a cookbook. There are better recipes out there for most things, but it can help you to get started on what for me was a life changing new way of eating. Includes in-depth information on why we should eat a certain way. And the mayo recipe is GREAT! Did you know that adding a tiny bit of whey to the mayo and then letting it sit on the counter for seven hours will increase the useful life by many weeks? The active bacteria in the whey serve as a preservative, so letting the mayo sit at room temp allows them to multiply. Then pop it in the fridge, and you can use it for a month or more - if it lasts that long!
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