Wednesday, July 16, 2014

[Y637.Ebook] Download Ebook Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

Download Ebook Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

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Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

Download Ebook Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

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Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters

This book is written for the person who just purchased a sock machine, it will show you how to unpack your machine, take it apart and put it back together. You will learn how to knit tubes, heels & toes, hang a hem, make your own knitted setup bonnet, and more. There is space on the pages to take & make your own notes. There are many up close photos that will show you details of the machines. If you can not make it to a sock machine event or find a local teacher, this book is like having me sit with you and explain to you how to use your sock machine. This is not a pattern book, it is a basic learn to use your machine book. If you have questions about what is included in this book please use the See Inside feature.

  • Sales Rank: #1014336 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2016-01-31
  • Released on: 2016-01-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
By Ann
It is a shame that I didn't read the reviews for this book before buying it. Yes, it covers the basics of using a sock knitting machine, and as such, the information is useful. However, it's usefulness is limited by a) awful grammar and style of writing and b) a lack of depth to the actual material. I've had a couple of problems with my machine and the advice is both limited but also difficult to follow due to the style of language. Writing a book is very different from teaching a class and there is no doubt that the book would benefit from a good editor and additional information. The section on doing a heel was very confusing and often inaccurate.

I am sorry to be so negative because there is certainly a need for a contemporary manual on sock knitting machines, and I had hoped this would be it. Perhaps I wouldn't feel so negative if it hadn't been so expensive. As it stands it is simply not worth the money.

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
For Newbies
By Taffy Mitchell
This book really is a "101" course. It is very basic and not for anyone with experience with one of these wonderful old machines. I was a complete novice and by following the very clear directions one step at a time I made a tube with my sock machine the very first time I tried. I highly recommend this book to anyone just starting out with a CSM especially if there is no one nearby to help with instruction.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Very informative, but needed an English teacher's edit
By bodark
I purchased this book because I had recently bought an antique Gearhart sock knitting machine. It was recommended to me by my daughter who has a Legare sock knitting machine and also owns this book. The information covers the major brands of antique machines and is very good. If you can get past the fact that the author really needed to have the text reviewed and corrected by someone who has, at least, a basic working knowledge of punctuation, captalization, and sentence formation, you will find the book full of helpful information in getting started cleaning and using your "new" old machine. Because of the lack of punctuation, I highly recommend reading it through once, and adding a few commas, etc., in order to make the information more understandable.

Good information was provided on making heels and toes, hanging a hem, a set up bonnet, and a basic sock. That's all, no other patterns. Nothing was included on the use of a ribber. One half of the book is dedicated to cleaning and setting up and the general operation of the machine. The pictures, and there are lots of them, are very helpful. I will continue to use this book as a reference guide, because it contains basic, reliable information.

I wish I had purchased this book BEFORE I bought my machine. I would have had a much better grasp on what to look for, and how the machine should work, before spending the large amount of money that these machines are currently selling for.

See all 18 customer reviews...

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Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters PDF

Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters PDF

Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters PDF
Sock Knitting Machine 101, by Donna Peters PDF

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